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  • 专用手消毒液100ml
  • 抑菌洗手液
  • 专用手消毒液
  • 84消毒液
  • 免洗手消毒凝胶100ml
  • 免洗手消毒凝胶
家居洗涤系列 Home washing series
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产品特点: 无需拆洗,一喷一擦,省时省力。 天然环保,气味清香不刺鼻。 高效除菌,全面消毒,卫生健康。 去污不腐蚀,保护金属表面,延长使用寿命

Product features: no need to disassemble and wash, one spray and one wipe, saving time and effort. It is natural and environment-friendly, and the smell is fragrant and not pungent. Efficient sterilization, comprehensive disinfection, hygiene and health. Decontamination without corrosion, protect metal surface and prolong service life

友情链接: 亿网行网络 | 亿站通 | 美篇 | 百度 | 360 |


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