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  • 专用手消毒液100ml
  • 抑菌洗手液
  • 专用手消毒液
  • 84消毒液
  • 免洗手消毒凝胶100ml
  • 免洗手消毒凝胶
消毒系列 Disinfection series
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This product is a disinfectant gel with ethanol as the main active ingredient, and its ethanol content is 70-80% (V/V). It can kill Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and natural bacteria. It is suitable for sanitary hand disinfection and surgical hand disinfection.

友情链接: 亿网行网络 | 亿站通 | 美篇 | 百度 | 360 |


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